Back in 2017 I had been enjoying taking more serious photos instead of holiday snaps for a couple of years. I had joined an enthusiasts group in Newark run by Gary Orgles of GoPhotography (www.gophotography.co.uk/Photography-School) and was encouraged to go for qualification with the Royal Photographic Society.
I mainly took pictures of models at this time and was concerned I would not be able to show enough variety but in the end I was able to show movement, control of light and so on. We had a judge come to give advice on the panels before they were finally put forward and it was very interesting hearing his comments on different people's panels. The more I heard the less confidence I had in my panel.
Then my photograph's were displayed and there was much amusement when the judge assumed I was a man because of the content of the photographs. He was very complimentary about the demonstartion of abilities shown but shared my concern that because the photographs were all of models that there might be an issue.
I wasn't able to go to the actual judging day but was absolutely thrilled to get a message to say I had passed and was now a Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society.
I have improved since then but am still learning every day.