Fanciful Photos Blog
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Venice in 2023
Venice in 2023
I went to Venice twice in 2023.  Once for the Carnival and once in May as part of a photography tour around parts of Italy. Here are some of the camera edits. I already shared phone edits soon after the Carnival. Venice in 2023 I am looking forward to returning for Carnival in 2024
2023 favourites
2023 favourites
Another year is nearly over and it has been another fun one. Here are some of my favourite pictures.  I have included some from Venice but will doing another blog for that as well with more pictures. Thank you to all the models, masks and organisers who have helped make it such a splendid...
2022 favourites
2022 favourites
Better late than never - here are some of my favourite pictures from 2022. I continued to do fun themed events organised by Salli Gainsford and model trips with Keira Lavelle and Rachelle Summers.  And of course there was a visit to Venice Carnival. Link to pictures
Venice Carnival 2023
Venice Carnival 2023
 am just back from Venice carnival and it was wonderful. Here are just a few of the phone pictures I took - camera pictures will take rather longer.  
Namibia October 2022
Namibia October 2022
I was lucky enough to visit Namibia for the first time last month.  I still have plenty of photos to edit but did manage to do quite a few phone ones as I went along. The cheetah above is one of the few camera ones edited so far. The trip was organised by Rachelle Summers so was primarily...
For the last few years Matt Kloskowski  has run a short free program called Fresh Start. The idea is to get you inspired for the coming year.  The first session is about looking back at the previous year and picking out your favourite pictures (and limiting yourself to about 20). ...
What do Elves and Vikings have in common?  I wonder(land)
What do Elves and Vikings have in common? I wonder(land)
One of the highlights of 2021 has been to finally manage to go on some of the amazing events organised by Salli Gainsford.  Such an astonishing variety and the attention to detail is second to none. The first event in July was all about Elves and wolf hounds. Tegan Elizabeth and Marta...
I had never been to Iceland and hadn't been sure I ever would as it looked rather cold at the time Photographers usually went!  Well this year with lock down ruining so many trips when somebody offered me a last minute trip to Iceland in the summer I jumped at it. It is a beautiful and...
My LRPS Panel
My LRPS Panel
Back in 2017 I had been enjoying taking more serious photos instead of holiday snaps for a couple of years. I had joined an enthusiasts group in Newark run by Gary Orgles of GoPhotography ( and was encouraged to go for qualification with the Royal...

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